- Introduction 2
- Analysis of Social Responsibility 3
- Ethical Decision-Making 4
- Critique the Organization 5
- Revised Strategy Plan 7
- References 9
This report is based on the following requirement -
For this project, you will analyze the case study ITC LTD: Toward a Triple Bottom Line Performance. You will look at various aspects of both the daily operations of the company as well as management strategies to determine the impact they have on the social responsibility of the company. You will examine the impact this has on the internal and external stakeholders of the company, as social responsibility impacts them the most. Then, you will devise a revised strategy plan that addresses any gaps and risks you have identified in regard to social responsibility.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction: In this part of the project, you will introduce the company present in the case study, describing the important attributes of the company that should be considered when analyzing its consideration of social responsibility. Describe the organi zation in the case study. In other words, how is the organization described in the case study? What are its key attributes? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
II. Analysis of Social Responsibility: In this part of the project, you will begin your analysis of the case study, examining how the strategy plan of the organization in the case study considers social responsibility.
a) Analyze the organization’s strategy plan for compliance with the current acceptable standards or norms relative to social responsibility today.
b) Analyze the organization’s strategy plan for any gaps in social responsibility that might be potential risks to internal and external stakeholders.
c) Predictthepotentialpositiveandnegativeimpactstointernalandexternalstakeholdersregardingsocialresponsibilitythatwouldresultfrom
the strategy plan. In other words, what might happen to the employees and/or people involved in the company regarding social responsibility
from this strategy plan? You could consider both the present and future impacts.
d) Critiquetheevolutionofstrategyplanningrelatedtosocialresponsibilitywithintheorganization.Inotherwords,whatmayhaveinfluencedthe
evolution of strategy planning related to social responsibility unique to this organization?
e) Explain how this organization is or is not consistent with regard to social responsibility when compared within its own industry and when
compared to outside industries. Be sure to justify your response.
III. Ethical Decision-Making: In this part of the project, you will continue your analysis of the case study, examining how the strategy plan of the organization considers ethics in decision-making processes.
a) Analyze the organization’s strategy plan for decision-making processes that it employs. In other words, based on the strategy plan, how does the organization make decisions?
b) Explain how aspects of ethics were considered in the decision-making processes of the organization. In other words, what were the ethical considerations related to social responsibility in the decisions made by the organization? You could consider the connection between ethics and organizational decision making and how ethics influence those decisions.
c) Analyze the organization’s strategy plan for any gaps in the decision-making process that could be considered potential risks to internal and external stakeholders.
IV. Critique the Organization: In this part of the project, you will continue your case study analysis, critiquing the organization regarding how it considers
social responsibility and how its processes have been influenced internallyand externally.
a) Utilizing the information in the case study and your previous analysis, determine the appropriate components for a strategic CSR plan for the organization.
b) Comparethecomponentschosenpertainingtotheorganizationwithotherorganizationswithsimilarordifferentstrategiccomponents.
c) Explain how the organization’s internal and external influences have impacted the strategy plan’s compliance with industry standards and
common practice in regards to social responsibility.
d) Determine potential risks in the current strategy plan and compare them with other relevant organizations (in particular, the same industry) to
determine if these risks are common or unique to the organization.
V. Revised Strategy Plan: In this part of the project, you will imagine you have assumed a leadership role within the organization. You will utilize the case study and your previous analysis to develop a new strategy plan for the organization addressing its social responsibility.
a) Develop a revised strategy plan for the organization, addressing any potential risks or gaps regarding social responsibility previously identified i n your case study analysis.
b) Explain the process regarding how the revised strategy plan was developed. Be sure to describe why certain components were selected and how they are important to the organization as related to social responsibility.
c) Discuss how you considered the influence of internal and external forces when developing your revised strategy plan. In other words, how did you account for the internal and external influences that affected the first strategy plan in the development of your revised strategy plan?
d) Explain how issues of ethics were considered when developing the revised strategy plan. If issues of ethics did not need to be considered or revised, explain why.