Introduction 2
Significance of CSR 2
Critical Analysis of CSR Activities in Starbucks 5
CSR Vision/Policy & Key Stakeholders 5
CSR Good Practices and its Benefits 5
CSR Problems and Challenges 8
Integration of CR concerns in the Company’s value, Culture and Operations 9
Conclusion 9
References 11
Corporate social responsibility refers to the activities and initiatives, which are aimed at bringing some positive benefits to the society and natural environment (Moon, 2015). CSR considered society and natural environments as organization’s natural stakeholders as they provide input resources to it and hence part of organizational earnings is invested in those areas to positively benefit them (Chandler, 2016). It is considered that organizations unarguably use the resources of the society and natural environment and hence need to give back to those areas in some way so that the surroundings and environment in which they operate are strengthened and is sustainable (Orlitzky, Siegel, & Waldman, 2011). CSR is mainly a voluntary initiative of the organization and there is no compulsion from any government agencies or regulatory authorities on the organizations to invest in CSR tasks (Chandler, 2016). There are various aspects of CSR programs and initiatives, which organizations have to focus on to make successful. This report critically analyzes the CSR initiatives and programs of Starbucks Corporation, which is the most successful coffee house chain in the world. Starbucks outlets serve hot and cold beverages, microground instant coffee, whole-bean coffee, teal, juices, pastries and snacks (Akdeniz, 2014). The report analyzes the CSR initiatives, its success and challenges among other aspects.