Introduction 2
Ethical Dilemma 2
Justification of the Ethical Dilemma 2
Ethical Solutions 3
Conclusion 4
References 5
This essay is based on the following requirement -
Students are to discuss a business-related ethical dilemma which they believe is relevant to General Business and demonstrate both an awareness of the key issues surrounding why it is an ethical dilemma, and then propose solutions to that dilemma. A suggested format for the essay is:
Ethical Dilemma Description (80-120 words)
Justify why it is an ethical dilemma in a business situation (430-470 words)
Ethical solutions proposed by student to this dilemma (430-470 words)
Part of the challenge of this essay is you as the student picking and developing the dilemma yourself from either a relevant recent news event, personal professional practice experience (particularly for students who have been on placement) or similar.
Students are strongly advised to read the marking criteria very carefully to gain an understanding of exactly what the examiner will be looking for.