This report is based on the following requirement -
Higher Education Policy Critically analyse a higher education policy or set of related policies. Specifically, consider how the purpose of higher education is conceptualized and defined in the policies and the implications for management of institutions. The policy/policies studied can be at the national, international, or sub-national level (or a combination of these). This assignment should be written as an essay, and you should focus on analysing either “policy as paper” (e.g. analysing discourse in a policy text) or “policy as practice” (e.g. policy implementation in an organization). Possible policies for analysis include: Access, widening participation and affirmative action Internationalization, international standardization and coordination Quality assurance and accreditation Higher education tuition fees, student loans and finance Research funding modalities (e.g. competitive grants, assessment exercised) Privatization and public-private partnerships.
According to CHEPS, (2000), there have always been various challenges facing the higher education system in South Africa. Some of the most common ones include redressing past inequalities, as well as transforming higher education systems in order to serve the new social order, to address the newer opportunities, as well as realities and to meet the national needs that are highly pressing (The Task Force on Higher Education and Society, 2000; Department of Education, 2000; Conference Report, 2006). There are a number of roles that have to be served by the higher education institutions. These include the development of human resources, through mobilisation of human potential and talent via lifelong learning in order to ensure they take part in the economic, social, cultural, as well as intellectual life in the society that is widely changing. At the same time, the institutions of higher learning ensures training, as well as the provision of person-power that is capable of strengthening the enterprises of the nation. Besides, higher education plays a role in the production, application, as well as in acquisition of new knowledge which enhances national growth, as well as a competitiveness (NCHE, 1996; Luescher & Symes, 2003; Gibbons, 1998).
The South African Higher Education Act of 1997 plays a major role in ensuring that the above are attained. The policy generally ensures that the affairs of the institutions are carried out in a manner that the benefits are attained. This essay looks at some of the major details of the act and besides, it provides some of the various benefits that are brought about by the policy. The policy is therefore of great significance and its analysis is of great significance.