Critical analysis of Training packages and examination on its Advantages and Disadvantages

Number of Words : 2984

Number of References : 9

Assignment Key : H-6189


  • Content for this assignment Introduction
  • Content for this assignment Main components of Training Packages
  • Content for this assignment Is Training Package similar to Course/Curriculum?
  • Content for this assignment Origin and Development of Training Packages
  • Content for this assignment Advantages of Training Packages
  • Content for this assignment Customized Course
  • Content for this assignment Disadvantages
  • Content for this assignment Conclusion
  • Content for this assignment References


Training Packages have been developed in Australia for distinguishing and assessing skills of people which are required in a particular industry, sector or organization. These packages are a set of standards and qualification which are set at the national level by a national Industry Skills Council (ISCs) and are nationally endorsed and recognized. They aim at providing skills for the identified training needs for a specific industry or industry sector. For the training packages to gain endorsement there has to be an evidence of national consultation and support from industry provided by the developers of such training packages.
Australia’s VET system, i.e. vocational education and training system has a key feature of training packages. These training packages are very essential as they are used as a basis for al most all the programmes in VET system, like occupational licensing, recognition of current skills, Australian Apprenticeships, in school programmes, etc.
These packages are designed in such a way that they enable a diversified but relevant professional learning outcome. To control the training outcomes, they are defined by nationally recognized qualification sets.
Training packages does not include the way people should be trained. But it includes the general industry standards which help in designing a training module for training on certain skills and abilities for a specific industry sector or local or individual requirement.
Training packages are designed after a lot of negotiation and consultation between individuals and organizations which are within or outside VET system. So, they should not be considered simply products. These training packages are not owned by a private training provider; instead they are developed with industry.
So, basically, what we can gain idea about training package is that it is a set of qualification, skills and competencies required to do a particular job at a workplace. For example: a single competency for a secretary is to take dictation from her boss. So, these competencies have to be developed by interacting with the company’s owners in that industry as to which all competencies and skills are important for the job to meet the requirement and standard of the job. For each job, there is a set of some core competencies and some elective competencies. Out of the given set of competencies, employers choose elective competencies on the basis of nature of work requirement in the particular industry. As a result of which a skill set is selected that is recognized throughout the industry and the country. Training packages are endorsed jointly by the ISCs and the National Quality Council. The official website of AAT also provides in depth information about training packages. There are more than 3000 training sample packages for more than 70 industry sectors. They also provide idea on how the training packages are applied in a workplace. The information is systematically given by providing job title against which qualification requirement is given with necessary core and elective competencies.

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