Problem statement 3
The Issue of the Research 3
Issues Faced While Conducting the Research 4
Ethical Considerations 4
Benefit from the Findings 5
Literature Review 5
Impact of Biometric System on Workers 5
Other Methods to Overcome Time Sheet Manipulation 7
Plan of Action 7
Research Methodology 9
Findings and Interpretations 11
Ways for Improvement 14
Bibliography 17
Appendices 19
Appendix 1: 19
Appendix 2 20
Appendix 3 21
In today’s technologically advanced world, following a conventional method of attendance system can lead to various problems (Saraswat, 2010). In this study, it has been noted that the employees manipulate the time sheet that is maintained by the company. It has been observed that the employees mark themselves present for the entire week even if they go to work only twice or thrice a week. This action of the employees impacts the code of conduct of the company. At the same time it also influences the performance and cost of the company. The company incurs a loss as they pay the employees even for those days they have not worked.
This is happening because wrong entries are being made by the employees for their benefit. It is important to study the attitude of the workers and understand the impact it has on the other employees as they think of grabbing the opportunity they have in hand. Manipulation of the time sheet has generated a sense of negligence among the workforce as they find it profitable on financial terms. They also get deviated from the main objective impacting their performance as well as those of others. These are the issues that have triggered the request of the introduction of the biometric system in the construction company.