Introduction 2
Influence of culture on working styles 2
Different Management styles 4
Importance of Training Managers to become Inter-culturally competent 5
Conclusion 7
References 8
The increase in globalization has led to organizations having their operations in many nations. When the organizations start their operations in foreign nations having different culture a need for integrating culture of host nation to organizational culture becomes essential for carrying out all the operations effectively and efficiently (Browaeys & Price, 2016). The differences in culture lead to miscommunications, misinterpretations and misunderstandings among the employees (Gesteland, 2012). Every country has distinct values, beliefs, assumptions, language and practices and these differences affect the work environment (Sweeney & McFarlin, 2014). This report analyzes the influence of culture on working styles within organizations. The report then discusses the various management styles adopted based on cultural differences. In the end the report discusses the importance of training managers to become interculturally competent.