The Analysis of Illegal Immigration in crime of violating visitor's and tourist's visa laws in Australia

Number of Words : 3022

Number of References : 13

Assignment Key : L-460


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Australia for illegal immigration exceeds about $400 million per year (Butler, 2009). The Age revealed this figure on its Melbourne August 28th issue. The impact of rising illegal migrants’ population is beginning to hit the Australian economy. The journalist, Bob Bottom, reviewed the illegal immigration issues and came up with some facts. The On Target reported that there are about 80,000 illegal migrants presently living in Australia (Butler, 2009). The survey made by the Australian Immigration Department revealed that about 70% of the total illegal migrant population enjoys working on their current jobs, which an indigenous Australian or by a legal migrant looking for work could have benefited (Butler, 2009). This affects the distribution of the Social Security payments for those who have no work and are legal migrant or eligible indigenous Australian (Hodge & O'Carroll, 2006).
Social tensions are beginning to create problems especially between the illegal migrants and the legal migrants or Australian residents. The reason for this social spark is the claimed illegal migrant job stealing, which most Australian communities resent. Trade unions are experiencing problems on queue jumping dominating among ethnic communities by illegal migrants (Jupp, 2002). Raphael Cilento warned Australia about the issue of health specifically varying types of viruses that illegal migrants may bring into the country (Kidd, 2005). This is because illegal migrants do not submit themselves to the standard health checks normally required to legal migrants and applicants.
Australia has a considerable number of prostitutes tricked by scrupulous people to work illegally in the country. These women usually came from Thailand bring venereal diseases (Butler, 2009). Bangkok has many AIDS cases and the entrance of these women to the country brings high risk to the health conditions of the Australians. The absence of health checks to these illegal immigrants poses higher risks to the people living in the country. The journalist believes that this illegal immigration racket connects with the workings of the Chinese Triads. The Chinese Triads profits from vice and crime and is the most famous secret organizations among the Chinese organizations.

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