Essay on Employee Loyality

Number of Words : 3184

Number of References : 10

Assignment Key : H-6988


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This essay is based on the following description –
Critically evaluate the following views on HRM using essay format.
“Companies must reject the notion that loyalty among today’s employees is dead and accept the challenge of creating an environment that will attract and energize people so that they commit to the organization.
The arrival of the information-based, knowledge-intensive, service-driven economy has forced massive change on companies worldwide, most dramatically in the way they must redefine their relationship with their employees. The shift in strategic imperatives over the past 25 years has necessitated new battle plans. The competition remains intense for strategic market positions and for scarce organizational resources and capabilities, but the war for talent has shifted the locus of the battle front. Today managers must compete not just for product markets or technical expertise, but for the hearts and minds of talented and capable people. And after persuading them to join the enterprise, management also must ensure that those valuable individuals become engaged in the organization’s ongoing learning processes and stay committed to the company’s aspirations” (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 2002, p41)
Bartlett, CA & Ghoshal, S, 2000, ‘Building Competitive Advantage Through People’, MIT Sloan Management
Review, vol. 43, no. 2, p 41.
In this essay, you must:
1. discuss the competitive challenges that contemporary businesses face (competing by attracting, motivating and retaining people).
2. evaluate how companies are dealing with the linkages between HR and strategy formulation and analyse the competencies which the HR executives are needed in order to become a strategic partner in the company.
3. draw on research and practical evidence, and theoretical models to support your views.
4. provide examples to critically analyse how organisations are dealing with competitive challenges such as HR innovation, sustainability, and competing by attracting, motivating and retaining people. Has the organisation been successful? Justify your answer.

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