The Sudanese community and refugee problem
The issues faced by Sudanese immigrants in particular
Issues leading to human migration
Solutions to issues – Every refugee migration comes with transitioning problem
List of references
Immigration or refugee problem is one of the biggest human capital or human development issues in the world and these days Australia is in limelight or in news for various reasons pertaining to these issues. Through a Special Humanitarian Program (SHP) Australia comes under a offshore Humanitarian Program. Under this program, anyone from the Australian community could propose to assist a family members or friends to settle in Australia and therefore would be responsible for the cost of travel to Australia and habilitation therein. Due to this what really has been seen is most successful applicants would have their close families in Australia and would have demonstrated a very strong claim of discrimination within their country and according to the figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Sudanese community is currently one of the fastest growing groups in Australia. During the last decade plus the number of arrivals or new born in Sudan has increased by an average of a per cent each year and the primary reason for this fast growth in the Sudanese community is also due to the large number of Humanitarian Programme and their entrants in the Australian land so that the Australian Government has no chance but to accepted Sudan community along with the nearby countries in recent years. Sudan became the top source country from Humanitarian Programme perspective and has since provided more volumes of such programme arrivals. So far the Sudanese refugees who have arrived in Australia under the Humanitarian Programme are generally the victims of the second civil war between the north and the south of Sudan. Being the largest country of Africa, Republic of Sudan had an advantage of being noticed or attracts visibility. It was always under joint leadership post independence, however, had to face a lot of natural calamities which disturbed the community largely. Governmental control kept on changing in Sudan as well as the religion they brought in with themselves and therefore, the large portion of the Sudan community is a mixed bag of muslim, Arabic and non-muslim community. A lot of these disputes were added fire by the civil war (Australian Government, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 2009).