This report is based on the following requirement -
In the annual Economic Research Seminar, you have been invited to present and discuss the economy development in the Southeast Asia. The topic of the paper will be ‘Which is the most economic competitive economy in Southeast Asia?’. This assignment aims to understand basic concepts and principles used in economic analysis, to develop the skills to assess economic issues that would affect their lives as workers, consumers and citizens, and to demonstrate an awareness of the fact that economists hold differing views on some economic issues
The project is suggested including or answer all of the following items or questions:
Introduction (4 marks)
Why Singapore is the most economic competitive economy in South East Asia?
Understanding of economic competitive in Singapore’s contest.
The causes of a high economic competitiveness in Singapore (6marks)
Macroeconomic environment
Regional Co-operation (trading with ASEAN countries, china, India, Korea, Japan…)
Global economic outlook (North America, EU, Africa, South America….)
Microeconomic environment
Improve Innovation and reformation to increase competitiveness
Human capability and competiveness in Singapore
Government policies and competitiveness in Singapore
The challenges to Singapore’s economic competiveness (6marks)
Too dependent on MNC (IBM, Exxon-Mobile, Siemens….)
Facing competition with neighbouring countries (Malaysia, Indonesia….)
Lacking of natural resources
Human resource development (lacking skilled and unskilled workers)
Singapore’s SME major challenges
The economic strategies or government policies for future improvement (6 marks)
Promoting international trading (export structure…..)
Energy efficiency and renewable resources
Urban planning (infrastructure, housing, water/electricity supply, health/education..)
Tax reform or government transparency/corruption-free
Developing information technology in Singapore
Automating, robotizing and computerizing in industrial sector
Human resources development (knowledge, skills, capability ……)
Conclusion: the confidence of economic competiveness in Singapore (4marks)
Referencing and Structure Formatting (4marks)
Singapore due to its strategic location and free trade policies has attracted many multinational companies to have their operations in the country. Also, the exports play an important role in taking the country’s economy to greater levels. The country has built world-class infrastructure, which has enabled the multinationals to operate effectively from Singapore. Singapore has been able to continuously increase its economy by attracting several multinationals and export high-value products enabling it to earn greater revenues. This report discusses the economic competitiveness in Singapore, the challenge faced by the economy competitiveness and the strategies to be applied to overcome the challenges.