This paper is based on the following requirement -
For the “Microeconomics in the News” Paper Project you are expected to relate and apply economics concepts we learned in this course to real-life events. You will use newspapers, magazines or the internet to gain access to information on current news. This project will give you a chance to associate economic concepts with real life. See the Guidelines below for further details. This paper project should be completed individually and are subject to the Student Code of Ethics below.
To understand that economics is everywhere and to relate daily economic/business news by applying one or more MICROeconomic concepts to a real-life event or an event reported in a news article.
You should focus on how you apply (or relate) textbook concepts to real world events, and NOT on how you critique a news article or summarize a commenter/researcher/reporter’s opinions. The main objective of this project is to find an article from a magazine or newspaper and explain it in the language of “economics.” You cannot use the examples you have seen in our course/book. If you do so you will get zero from this assignment.