This report is based on the following requirement -
The assignment is as follows:
You will produce a written report that critically assesses and evaluates your company and it’s leadership using an general overview of Value Systems Theory (Vmeme). On completion of this Unit you should be able to Critically evaluate through theory application how certain types of leadership/management styles differ depending on history, culture, geographic life and conditions and how they impact strategy, people performance and productivity
Through application of Value Systems Theory you now have a tool (and the skill) to critically assess and evaluate all types of leadership worldviews – USA, China, UK, France, Indian, Russia, Vietnam, Middle East, Africa, etc., etc. Company culture and its leadership/management are different depending on the Value System (life conditions and how individuals adapt to successfully compete). Inevitably this impacts everything about a company – strategy, people, performance, productivity, etc..
A suggested structure for the written report would include the following;
I. Frist briefly describe the background of Dr. Clare Grave’s Value Systems Theory in your own words. Then use a small example to relate the theory to a current event happening in the real world of business, finance, etc., or even in your sector.
Reference general information on Value Systems Theory from BREO;
- Guided Learning Folder: Graves Value System Theory Research & Testing
- Guided Learning Folder: Unit Session 1 Introduction to Value System Theory
- Guided Learning Folder: Unit Session 2 Introduction to Beige Value System
- Guided Learning Folder: Unit Session 3 Key Characteristics of (Leadership) Value Systems
- Use online newspapers, journals and magazine articles to source examples in current events
II. Produce an evaluation of differing leadership styles and behaviours in an organisation from different cultural, geographic and historic perspectives. To enable critical assessment and analysis, describe your company’s culture, management and leadership using Value System Theory.
Reference specific and general information on Value Systems Theory from BREO;
1. Describe your company’s naturally emerging history from past life conditions to present using as a reference, Unit Session 4 Value System Theory Application to Economy and Politics folder Historical Human Psychosocial Development and Unit Session 3 Key Characteristics of Value Systems folder Psychosocial DNA of Capitalism (this would include using Value Systems concepts such as life conditions, industry, challenges, ownership, growth, competitive landscape, etc.)
2. Describe what Value Systems are present in your company using as a reference the core reading text in the Reading Materials folder Eight Systems – Theory Overview
3. Use the picture diagram visually illustrate which Value System structure best describes your company culture, management and leadership and why using as a reference Reading Materials Folder Eight Value Systems - Theory Applied to Leadership & Management and Memenomics Economics, Banking and Finance.
III. Produce an evaluation and analysis of particular leadership issues in an organisation through the use of relevant leadership theory. Describe a current issue/challenge your organisation, and/or leadership role is facing using Value Systems Theory. This could possibly be as a result from changes taking place in your industry/sector, management, local/global economy (i.e. changing life conditions).
1. Use information from your industry/sector and company
Note: Please keep this part very general. This is meant to be a general analysis and description. This does not include offering/identifying solutions, giving advice or describing what specifically needs to be change or improved. You will be specific in LP2.
IV. Some conclusions about the definition of ‘leadership’ (before and after)
1. Here you should consider what you have learned about the topic of leadership in general. What did you think about leadership before the semester then after completing the semester? As you should know by now there is no single, universal definition of what leadership is, or how you should lead. In this section therefore, you describe how your definition or idea of leadership has changed before the Leadership Project 1 and now at the end of the first semester. You could also discuss when and why different leadership approaches (using Values System Theory) may be appropriate in different contexts and circumstances.