IQ is useful as a predictive measure of intelligence but a range of other factors contribute to academic success. Discuss

Number of Words : 1713

Number of References : 14

Assignment Key : O-3820


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Intelligence (Brody, 1992) is often defined in terms of ability to solve personal problems. It is believed that academic intelligence as assessed by IQ tests is imperfectly related to ability to function intelligently in everyday activities. There are many examples around where the academically intelligent individuals could not perform well in academics due to some emotional problems or shambled personal lives. There are many new attempts to go beyond IQ to understand the relationship between IQ and other factors which effects academic achievements. There were many hypotheses given subsequently out of studies.
Such studies are needed because of psychologists such as S. Ceci and R. Sternberg (1993), who advocate that (traditional) IQ tests are just measuring little more than school related achievement. So, IQ and academic achievement are only related because, for certain environmental reasons, some folks get more out of school, and it just so happens that the same folks do well on IQ tests due to largely (if not entirely) because school achievement and IQ tests are measuring the same thing.
An alternative hypothesis (Jensen, 2000; Jensen, 1989), however, is that due to genetic factors (which influence both individual differences and environmental influences), people enter school with wide variability in cognitive ability and "readiness to learn." This initial variability then heavily influences (although not completely determines) the amount a given student will pick up as he/she matriculates. As a student gains more information, his/her initial ability and the new information acquired then interact so he/she is able to expand his/her knowledge further, and so on and so forth. Therefore, while one needs access to "information," the child's general cognitive ability is the engine driving his/her educational achievement. Still there are studies, which bluntly states that intelligence bears a causal relationship to achievement and not the other way around.

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