Analysis of a newspaper article on economics concepts

Number of Words : 1229

Number of References : 5

Assignment Key : E-18764


  • Content for this assignmentThis assignment is based on the following requirement -
  • Content for this assignmenti) Assignment Brief: Working individually, you will either search through and find OR be allocated by your lecturer ONE (1) newspaper article published no earlier than January 1, 2014 that is relevant to the economics concepts discussed in class. Either way, the chosen article has to be approved by your Lecturer. Once this is confirmed, your task is to write an essay of 1,100 words that summarises the key facts of the article and, more importantly, analyses, explains, and communicates how the article relates to the economic concepts and models studied in the Economics 1 module.
  • Content for this assignmentThe article must fulfill the following requirements:
  • Content for this assignment It must concern news events which you may consider include events relating to inflationary economy, recessionary economy, fiscal policy, monetary policy, demand/supply concepts, price elasticity as well as market structure.
  • Content for this assignment More marks will be awarded for reports which provide more detailed discussion and in-depth analysis with adequate referencing to the economic concepts and models.


This paper discusses this economic principles of demand, supply and price with the help of the newspaper article, ‘Slower demand growth, rising supply to drive base metals prices in 2014’ by Greta Bourke (2014).

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