Essay on the topic 'Is White Collar Crime, Really Crime'

Number of Words : 1021

Number of References : 6

Assignment Key : O-6362


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White-collar crime is a part of criminology and according to Sutherland it means, "A crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation” (Cited in politifi, n.d.) . He believes that crime behavior develops through social interaction with others. But the question is, “is white-collar crime, really crime?” White-collar is a crime and it can be noticed by its increased ratio, penalties, and aftereffects (politifi, n.d.).
There are several types of white-collar crimes all over the world. It has been a part of fraud, business crime, computer crime, corruption in public, investment fraud, fraud with consumers, fraud in finance and securities, medical crime, extortion, identity stolen, bribery, blackmail and counterfeit. Its expansion can be judged by its long and never ending list. And all these crimes are done by either computer or paper. Moreover, most of these crimes are difficult to detect. That’s why many white-collar criminals are getting encouraged to get into all this day-by-day (Burns, 2006).

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