Essay on the implications of lack of quality in a profit making organisation and why is quality assurance important for an organization

Number of Words : 774

Number of References : 0

Assignment Key : M-3807


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Quality assurance is the main pillar of any business. Whatever is the business, either finance or a storage facility or any service, quality is the most important aspect, which affects the level of success of the business. Being an entrepreneur, one should never ever compromise with the quality aspect. The popularity of the product or service will enhance, only if quality is provided. Low price is also another way to increase sales. But, if the product or service does not have standard quality, then a customer will never use it in future, even if it has the lowest price. Thus, the firm should assure the quality of the product or service by conducting some scientific measures. Having an ISO certification will let the customer know that the product or service has passed the necessary quality standards. Hence, they will not hesitate before purchasing the product.

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