- Essay Title (4,500 words)
To what extent is the use of volunteers for events and effective HRM Strategy?
Use examples from public, private and third sector events organisations -where claims are made regarding
events organisations they should be supported by verifiable sources . All arguments should be supported by
current research and literature
Particular Instructions to Students:
Students should provide an in depth analysis and critical discussion of the essay title. All
discussions and arguments should be supported by relevant research.
Such discussion should include:
An engagement with the term ‘Human Resources Management ‘ and its relationship to
strategy –Strategic HRM. This indicates that there are different models of HRM and/or different
claims regarding what HRM can achieve and how such things as flexibility, commitment, good
customer service, cost reduction, commitment and long-term sustainability can be achieved
through the use of different HRM practices. These are some (but not the only) claims of HRM
and not every model of HRM claims to deliver all these things or delivers them in the same way.
Therefore when you deal with the term ‘effective HRM strategy’ you should discuss effect in terms of
WHAT - a judgement of the effectiveness of something can only be achieved if you can establish
what it is trying to achieve in the first place.
to those differing contexts
An engagement with the term volunteering
A consideration of how events organisations use volunteers and for what strategic purposes
A consideration of the differences and contexts which inform public, private and third sector
organisations –and the ways in which the volunteer workforce is affected by and responds
The ways in which volunteering forms part of a particular HRM strategy
The costs, challenges and implications of using volunteers for events in the HRM context
These are not the only concerns/issues to be covered in the essay but form a starting point from which to
start examining the essay. You should also aim to :
Be critical throughout –critique rather than simply accept research and literature and the
claims made.
Make coherent progressive arguments that answer the question
Support all arguments with research and information
Support any claims about the event industry with verifiable information –that means you
should NOT rely on your own experience as your experience is not definitive and cannot be
verified –but there is a lot of events information out there if you choose to research it.
Engage with a high level of HRM theory and relate that theory to practice