- This story started off with an accident that happened to me a few days ago that prompted me to write this case study. As I picked up a “to-go latte” from a Costa Coffee and went about drinking my coffee and driving, I noticed that my coffee was not what I ordered but I was given boiled milk! There was no trace of coffee!
As I was nearing my destination, I could not turn back to complain to the barista over what he gave me! Angry at the UK coffee giant, I took to expressing out my frustration on Twitter and Facebook instead.

Surprise of all surprises, I got an immediate reply from their Customer Care team. Not only I got a sincere apology from the Costa Coffee manager but also three free coffee credits in my Costa Coffee mobile app.
To cut a long story short, it reiterated the fact that Costa Coffee takes the customers seriously and knows how to leverage the digital era. Everyone knows that coffee is big business, and Costa Coffee is the globally recognised brand with over than 1000 shops around the world.
Today many Facebook users around the world are either a Costa Coffee fan or are a friend with one.
In total, Costa Coffee’ digital presence through mobile, social and web drives over 20 million unique brand interaction every month, as it gives utmost importance to its customers.
Assignment question:
You are a marketing executive in another company (you can choose to write on your own organisation or a business/enterprise that you might have) which wants to start up a new business based on the Costa Coffee success story.
Using the tools discussed throughout the course, this assignment gives you the chance to design your internet marketing plan and marketing strategy in order to launch your new business, which also includes the launch of an app.
You have to clearly define the product/service you intend to offer, evaluate what would be your pricing strategies, study how you would promote your offering and show how you would distribute your offering by referring to various marketing theories and explain on how you would make use of them.
Finally, please remember that you have to give a lot of importance to the digital era and the high impact of the social media on businesses.
With this assignment you will be able to:
Demonstrate a sound base of knowledge and understanding based on the lectures, case studies and the course book
Show a high level of research and skills that will be used to identify an appropriate solution
Plan and explain how data was collected and who were your research population
Establish awareness of the marketing theories and how to best use them.
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BA (Hons) Business Enterprise – Internet Marketing in Business MA ONE
The assignment has to be divided into 4 tasks as follows:
Task 1: Explain the role of internet marketing within a modern marketing context (34 marks)
1. Define the marketing concept (K&U 1)
2. Define the stages of the marketing planning process (K&U 2)
3. Assess the difference between transactional and relationship marketing (A&A 1)
4. Explain the difference between marketing mix planning for product-based and service based
organisation (S&E 1)
5. Assess the role of the internet in modern marketing (A&A 2)
Task 2: Analyse marketing information using ICT systems to support internet marketing strategy development (29 marks)
1. Outline the ICT systems used in used in gathering and managing marketing research (A&A 3)
2. Define the stages of the marketing research process (K&U 3)
3. Collect market information to identify new product opportunities (S&E 2)
4. Identify new market opportunities (A&A4)
Task 3: Explain the benefits of internet marketing to customers internet marketing (20 marks)
1. Define the strategic planning process (K&U 4)
2. Outline the segmentation, targeting and position process (K&U 5)
3. Define the concepts of the Decision-Making Unit (DMU) (K&U 6)
4. Describe the concepts of the Decision-Making Process for consumers and organisations (K&U 7)
Task 4: Explain how internet marketing can improve business performance ( 17 marks)
1. Develop an internet marketing plan that supports the achievement of business objectives ( S&E 3)
2. Identify the most appropriate internet marketing tools that meet business and customer needs (A&A 5)
Appendices, tables and graphs can be used, and clearly referenced, and put at the end of the assignment and will not count towards the word count.
The assignment has to be structured as follows:
Table of contents
Executive summary
The assignment itself (3000 words +/- 10%)