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Social Context of Business

Words : 2750
    Social Context of Business, Prof. R. David
    Write a 2,500-3,000 word reflective essay on how your initial position has changed and
    evolved as you pursued options a (journaling) or b (research) above. The reflective piece
    must integrate class readings to support your overarching arguments about the social
    context of business. Students who choose the journaling option must also use the
    recorded journaling data to support their claims. Those who choose the research option
    must, of course, also use their original research to support their claims. Ultimately, the
    reflective essay will either endorse, refute, or accept with qualifications the original
    position. The two critical elements will be to 1) explain how the journaling or research
    resulted in an evolution of the original position, and 2) relate your arguments to the
    readings done throughout the term.
    Thesis: Over consumption leads to lower happiness
    I will compare different consumption levels and observe the relationship between consuming and
    First and foremost, please refer to the instructions on the course outline for the final paper. The
    present document is simply a supplement to those instructions, and all of those instructions still
    Please state your initial thesis from October in your first paragraph.
    It is possible that you decided to clarify, narrow, or potentially broaden
    your initial thesis. For example, you might have originally submitted “Corporations are a
    force for inequality”, but narrowed to “Corporations are a force for inequality between
    men and women”. This is fine, but it is important that you state this change upfront, for
    example in a footnote or short preface.
    Changes to your initial thesis from October other than clarification,
    narrowing, or broadening are not permitted. In other words, if you hypothesized about
    the relationship between X and Y, then you need to write about the relationship between
    X and Y, in some fashion.


48-72 Hours


25$ per page


4-10 Days


20$ per page


11+ days


15$ per page

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