- Scenario
“Super Sonic” Metered Taxi Service is a popular private three wheeler transportation service provider limited to Colombo district only (i.e from Colombo 1-15) in Sri Lanka. Right now, they have planned to expand their services for entire western province; you have been hired as a professional Object Oriented Programming developer to design and implement an automated system to manage entire Processes of Super Sonic Metered Taxi.
“When a customer contacts the reservation desk via a call, the receptionist will obtain the passenger name, the current location of departure, the destination of arrival, number of passengers and the time of hire with a valid contact number. Then the receptionist will search and find the nearest available Taxi from the Taxi registry.
Taxi registry is just a plain text book which contains the records of registered taxies around the city owned by private owners whereas taxies do not belong to us, apart from the main service point to supersonic, any other mode or manner of operations will be not considered as a point of responsibility from our side.
Once a nearby Taxi is found, the receptionist will make a phone call to the particular taxi owner to confirm whether he is able to take the hire and once he accepts the hire, the passenger details will be informed to him, but in case of unavailability of the particular taxi, the hire goes to another next nearest Taxi owner.
An amount of money will be charged from the vehicle owner in a monthly or daily basis depending on desire of the taxi owner. Payment can be made in cash or cheque. New three wheelers also can subscribe with us by making a down payment of Rs. 15,000 which can be refunded after one year of time and necessary information can be also gathered while registering them”.
According to the new expansion ideas, Supersonic is planned to provide various vehicle transportation services such as car, van and three wheelers depends on the customer demands.
Therefore, vehicle details should be maintained separately in the new system.
Refundable down payments of vehicles are as follows:
Van: Rs. 35,000, Car: Rs. 25,000& Three wheeler: Rs. 15,000
Task 1
Discuss the characteristics and principles of Object Oriented Programming and provide a comprehensive report on how these characteristics could be applied in the required system. (LO 1.1, M1.3)
(Include your report should include Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Abstra0ct class, Interfaces, collections, Constructors, Destructors, Instance variables, Instance methods and class relationships)
Task 2
Identify the objects (Classes) from the scenario and list all the data and methods of each object you have identified. (LO 2.1)
Draw complete use case, class and sequence diagram for the given scenario. (LO 2.2, M2.2)
Task 3 (D1.2)
Implement the Object Oriented solution using C#.Net for the proposed Design(LO 3.1)
Provide evidences of use of association, aggregation, composition and generalization relationships from your system. (LO 3.2)
Demonstrate how concept of polymorphism used in your system.
Implement control structures have been used in your system.
(LO 3.3)
Make effective use of an integrated development environment (IDE) including code and screen templates. (LO 3.4)
Task 4
Prepare a test plan, then critically review and test your solution according to the plan. (LO 4.1, M3.1)
Analyze actual test results against expected results and identify inconsistencies. (LO 4.2)
Get independent feedback on your solution (use surveys, questioners, interviews or any other feedback collecting method) and suggest recommendations and improvements. (LO 4.3)
Create onscreen help to assist the uses of a computer programme. (LO 4.4)
Prepare the technical documentation for the support and maintenance of the software (should include an installation and maintenance guide and important coding samples with comments).(LO 4.5)