- The primary task is to conduct a primary marketing research for 'CHAN BROTHERS'
(http://www.chanbrothers.com/)in Singapore on its customer satisfaction in the form of a
questionnaire survey comprised of 15 to 20 items. You are required to submit a formal
report for this assignment.
Format of the report should be as follow:
Table of content
1. Corporate and product profile (about 200 words) - (company info + product
features + product pictures)
2. Research objective (about 100 words) - (what could be accomplished from this
survey? Link to the independent variables of the Fishbone diagram) (Fishbone diagram
attached below for reference)
3. Research Methodology (about 400 words)
3.1 Research design (+fishbone diagram)
3.2 Questionnaire design (attach the questionnaire) 15 - 20 questionnaire. (50
3.3 Sampling plan (method - how?, unit - who? and size - 50 respondents)
3.4 Methods of data collection and analysis
3.5 Limitations
4. Findings and analysis (about 800 words) - inclusive of survey findings
(tables/charts) and analysis. Based on the sequence of question number.
4.1 Univariate Statistical Analysis - 1 frequency table/chart per question needed with
brief description.
5. Recommendations (about 500 words)
5.1 Marketing recommendation (4Ps) - product,price,promotion,place
5.2 Further research opportunities
To demonstrate the competence in the following areas:
Knowledge and application of key concepts,
Critical analysis and level of argument,
Extent of reading and references used,
Structure and presentation of the submission, writing style, appropriate citations
Assignment guidlines
Word limit: 2000 words.
Referencing: A minimum of 7 references must be used, acknowledged and cited
in the Harvard referencing style.
Formatting: The assignment should be typed using 12 font size, Arial font
font style, and 1.5 line spacing.