- 1. Write a report that discusses an ethical dilemma that you have experienced
in your workplace.
2. In your report, discuss the nature of the dilemma, and how you resolved (or
tried to resolve) it.
3. Use ethical theory to assess your actions. An effective way to do this is to:
a. Choose an ethical theory to apply to your actions.
b. Briefly outline the theory to demonstrate your understanding of it.
c. Apply it to the issue (HINT: It’s easier to choose a theory with which you feel
comfortable and apply it to the case than it is to try to find a theory that
justifies your actions). Justify any assumptions that you make.
d. When you have applied the theory, make a clear statement regarding
whether or not your application of theory finds your actions ethical.
4. Discuss whether you might do anything differently now that you have an
understanding of ethical theory.
5. Explain how your actions may have affected other stakeholders (i.e. anyone
who may have been affected by your actions).
Your report should consist of the following:
◦ Title Page
◦ Table of contents
◦ Introduction
◦ Body of the report
◦ Conclusion and
◦ APA References