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Educational Psychology assignment

    Review the role and scope of educational psychology in order to understand the origin and
    the related principles and theories of teaching and learning.
    Considering yourself as a responsible teacher, you are required to facilitate optimum
    development of the student. For this purpose, it is important for you to have a clear
    understanding of the origin, scope and the role of educational psychology in teaching and
    learning. Further, you need to identify the related principles and theories of educational
    psychology for better performance.
    Task A
    I. Review the history of educational psychology and write a synopsis of its scope in the
    field of teaching and learning (P1.1, P1.2) (M2.3).
    II. Briefly explain the role of education psychology and discuss its benefits for teachers
    and learners. (P2.2, P2.3).
    III. Identify the significance of research in educational psychology in relation to at least
    two classroom examples. (P2.1).
    Task B
    I. Compare and contrast the schools of thought underlying educational psychology and
    using a diagram explain the primary biological basis of psychology that is linked to
    behavior and thought processes. (P3.1) (M3.3)
    II. Study the motivational theories and discuss their significance in teaching and
    learning in relation to your experiences. (P3.2) (M1.3)
    III. Discuss the pedagogical importance of knowledge in physical, cognitive, emotional,
    social and moral development in children for teachers. (P3.3)
    IV. Examine the theories related to learning and explain how they can be used in
    teaching and learning for better performance. Use your own classroom experiences
    as examples. (P3.4) (M1.3)
    Assignment - Educational Psychology to Meet Learner Needs - V 1.0
    Task A
    Write an essay on Educational Psychology.
    (Four A4 sheets/2000 words)
    Separate each subtask with subheadings as follows :
    o History of educational psychology.
    o Scope of educational psychology in the field of teaching and learning.
    o Role of educational psychology and its benefits for teachers and learners.
    o Significance of research in educational psychology (illustrated through two
    class room examples).
    (P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P2.2, P2.3) (M2.3)
    Task B
    For part (i) you need to make prepare and present a Power Point presentation.
    (Maximum 15 slides/15 minutes presentation)
    Prepare a report for parts (ii,iii,iv).
    The report should address the following:
    o Motivational theories and their significance
    o Pedagogical importance of knowledge in physical, cognitive, emotional, social
    and moral development.
    o Explaining the theories related to learning (illustrated through class room
    (Five A4 sheets/2500 words)
    (P3.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.4) (M1.3, M3.3)


48-72 Hours


25$ per page


4-10 Days


20$ per page


11+ days


15$ per page

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