- The Task
Prepare a discussion paper proposing the preparation of a new tourism plan or policy to
address an emerging tourism issue. For example, this issue might be an emerging crisis
such as the global financial crisis or the Brexit; or an outbreak of a transmittable disease
such as avian flu; or a long-term issue such as climate change, coral bleaching or even a
planned deviation of a major highway to bypass a tourist town.
You will have to make a number of decisions in order to narrow your focus. Remember the
more focused the tourism issue you are addressing in your discussion paper, the more
targeted your research will be and the easier it will be to write your assignment!
You may choose one of the following, or make up your own based on your own interests,
experience or knowledge:
National tourism planning - e.g. propose a plan/policy to address issues arising for
Australia from Brexit; or to address the effects of one of the six megatrends identified by
CSIRO on Australian tourism (see: http://www.csiro.au/en/Do-
Regional/local destination tourism planning - e.g. propose plan to manage visitation to a
cross-border region (e.g. Australia's Green Cauldron National Landscape in Northern
New South Wales and Southern Queensland - australiasgreencauldron.com.au); or
propose a response plan to manage the effects of climate change on tourism in a local
government area.
Protected marine environments - e.g. propose a policy to manage the effects of a major
coral bleaching event in a marine protected area.
Protected lands - e.g. propose a plan to manage commercial tourism operator access to
national parks.
Labour shortage - e.g. propose the development of a plan/policy to address the labour
and skills shortages affecting tourism service quality.
Indigenous tourism - e.g. propose the development of a plan/policy to address identified
gaps in supply and demand issues of Indigenous tourism in Australia (See Ruhanen, L,
Whitford, M and McLennan, C 2013. Demand and Supply Issues in Indigenous Tourism:
A Gap Analysis. Synopsis available at: www.iba.gov.au/wp-