- Critically Evaluate ONE of the following Articles (1, 500 words)
Alatrista,J. and Arrowsmith, J. (2004) Managing employee commitment in the not-for-
profitsector. Personnel Review. 33(5):536-548.
Boxall, P. (2003). HR strategy and competitive advantage in the service sector.Human
Resource Management Journal, 13(3), 5-20.
De Cieri, H., Cox, J. W., & Fenwick, M. (2007). A review of international human resource
management: integration, interrogation, imitation. International Journal of Management
Reviews, 9(4), 281-302
Shaw, J.D, Park, T and Kim, E (2013) A resource- based perspective on human capital
losses, HRM investments and organisational performance
Strategic Management Journal, Vo. l34, Issue 5, PP 572-589
Particular Instructions to Students:
You should perform an in depth critical analysis of one of the articles -if you presented the article in
class you should choose a different one. You should be able to describe the underlying perspective
and key arguments, and locate the strengths and weaknesses of the text. You should analyse
and critique the underlying concepts and ideas, the context in which the article was produced, the
method by which the research was conducted and the application of theory to practice. Remember
that Events environment is unique in terms of its HRM challenges –but that any claims made
about the events environment should be supported. Your critique should be evidenced through
use of other appropriate texts and research which support or refute your arguments and provide
competing or supporting perspectives.
In your second assessment this type of critique is essential to support your essay points –this
assessment can therefore be seen as preparation for the next assignment as well as an assessment
in its own right.