- Arts marketing makes use of a range of marketing tools and approaches. Some of these marketing techniques are unique to the arts sector, others are modified or adapted for use in the arts, while some are taken directly from the commercial sectors.
This assignment asks you to consider how marketing is applied in the arts by comparing arts marketing theory with arts marketing practice. Students are required to select a case study (i.e. a ‘real life’ arts marketing project) and consider the extent to which this case study conforms to, or differs from, arts marketing theory—and the reasons why.
Your knowledge of arts marketing theory will be based on extensive reading and study of the literature made available through this Unit: Study Guide, readings, journal articles, handbooks and textbooks. Your knowledge of the practice of arts marketing will be based on research into the case study/ project you’ve selected: reports, websites, case study accounts.
The aim of this assignment is to consider the extent to which arts marketing theory is found in the ‘real world’ practice of arts organisations. Does your case study demonstrate the practical application of arts marketing theory, or is what actually happens in arts marketing work quite different? What supports or hinders the application of arts marketing theory? Is arts marketing theory more relevant to certain situations or types of arts organisations?
NB: your aim in this assignment is not to develop a list of recommendations for the arts marketing case study. This essay should focus on comparing arts marketing theory and practice as demonstrated in your case study.
Your essay should:
Select ONE case study (i.e. a ‘real life’ example) of arts marketing practice;
Consider the case study in relation to ONE of the six aspects of arts marketing
theory (listed below);
Analyse the similarities or differences between the theory and practice;
Draw conclusions as to why these similarities or differences between theory and
practice are observed; and
Cite references using the Harvard referencing system. For referencing
assistance see:
http://www.deakin.edu.au/current-students/study-support/study- skills/handouts/authordate-harvard.php

The Six Aspects of Arts Marketing Theory
For your essay choose ONE arts marketing aspect from:
1. Market segmentation 2. Audience development 3. Pricing
4. Branding
5. Promotion and
6. E-marketing