Analysis of the famous case study on Syngenta

Number of Words : 1566

Number of References : 9

Assignment Key : SAMS-7860


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This paper answers the following questions on the case study –
1. Identify the mission statement of Syngenta? What do you think are the main aims and objectives of Syngenta? Suggest how you think the mission, aims and objectives have shaped the culture and structure of the company?
2. If syngenta were to take the Process management approach to their operations, describe a methodology they could use to map processes to the company’s goals and objectives?
3. How might they evaluate the output from these processes?
4. Kathryn Brocklehurst is a group leader of one of Syngents’s project teams. Explain the typical contents of an operational plan for a functional area of a business such as Kathryn’s?
5. Write 3 possible SMART objectives for Kathryn’s project team. Justify your choice of objectives?
6. How should Kathryn implement appropriate systems to achieve her departmental objectives and goals effectively and efficiently, whilst also ensuring that plans are on time, to budget and to organizational standard of quality?
7. What mechanisms can Kathryn build into her operational planning which will help monitor and control the activities included in the plan and prevent deviation from the content of the plan?

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