Short essay on Cloning and its biotechnological asects

Number of Words : 778

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Assignment Key : B-8008


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The biotechnological application chosen by me is cloning. The word refreshes everybody’s mind with the name of the sheep named “Dolly” developed by the Scottish scientist in Roslin institute. Today cloning even though is not a big name but still it has many implications which are scientific and ethical too. Here I will be describing the cloning with regard to its biological perspective.
Cloning means producing exact copy of an organism phenotypically and genotypically. There are many types of cloning but the type of cloning which is described here is mostly the generalized cloning otherwise the reproductive cloning. There exist other cloning methods such as molecular cloning, cellular cloning and organism cloning. Reproductive cloning is mostly carried by the “somatic cell nuclear transfer” to create the clones which are exact copy of one another. The first process is to isolate a somatic cell nucleus from the donor, and then that nucleus is then injected into another somatic cell of another adult of same gender mostly female where the nucleus has been removed. Then a series of chemical treatment is done so that the egg cell after getting the nucleus behaves normally and divides and act as a zygote. The zygote then was developed to embryo in mimic physiologic condition and then transferred to the uterus of any surrogate mother and which she carries later giving birth to offspring’s of same genetic and phenotypic traits. The procedure of gene cloning is also important which is mostly done in certain bacterial plasmids

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