A Comparative Study between New England and Chesapeake Colonies

Number of Words : 1349

Number of References : 6

Assignment Key : H-19734


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Colonialism was the practice of occupying the land of other people with an intention of settling down or for the purpose of exploiting resources (Zig-Zag, 2011). The European nations were the first ones to explore the world and they started off with the concept of colonization as they considered it to be economically beneficiary and progressive for their countries. After defeating the Spanish Armada in 1588, the English entered the New World and began settlements and colonization. The newly discovered America was rapidly colonized by the Europeans during the late 16th century and the early 17th century. Among the regions colonized, two of them included the Chesapeake and the New England areas in the eastern coast of North America. They both had parted and unique identities. The colonies were affected socially, economically as well as politically by the differences they had. The Chesapeake region included Maryland, Virginia, both the East and West of New Jersey and Pennsylvania (Carnes & Garraty, 2006). On the other hand, New England region included Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Haven. This region was located just to the north of Chesapeake region (Schneider et al., 2016).

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